Undergraduate Transfers
Students who intend to transfer to Missional University must be eligible for readmission at his/her last institution attended. Students must present a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. Students who do not meet minimum academic requirements may be placed on academic probation. Students who have been dismissed or suspended from their last school of attendance may not be eligible for admission to Missional University. A grade of C or better is required for transferability. Courses with Pass/Fail grades cannot be transferred. Remediation and orientation courses are non-transferable. Missional University measures all courses in semester credits. Quarter credits are converted to semester credits by reducing the quarter credits to one-third.
How to Apply as an Undergraduate Transfer Student
• Complete the MU Online Application
• Pay the $25 application fee
• Submit official college transcripts for evaluation
• Submit English proficiency test scores if transcripts are from a non-English language institution
• Submit essay
• Submit personal faith statement
• Have a personalized discussion with an admissions counselor.
Faith Statement Submission
Please write a brief testimony of your personal salvation experience and describe your personal relationship with God today. This statement should be 200-300 words in length. Be sure to include your name and birthdate on the document and submit it to admissions@missional.University.
Essay Submission
Please write a 500-600 word essay response to the following question:
Missional University’s mission statement says, “To prepare biblically-grounded, missional leaders who join the mission of God in diverse communities by incarnating the gospel with culturally-appropriate ministry skills while seeking the spiritual transformation of people and communities that connect all peoples to God in worship in their own heart language.” Explain how earning a degree at Missional University would help you support this mission? Be sure to include your name and birthdate on the document and submit it to admissions@missional.University.