Welcome to Doctoral Studies at Missional University
In ever increasing ways, perceptive leaders understand that a posture of life-long learning is essential for them to achieve their personal and organizational goals. They fully realize a professional doctoral degree is an essential pathway to acquiring the advanced research skills and knowledge in their focused field of discipline to lead in a more and more complex world.
The professional doctoral degrees at Missional University allow practitioners to remain immersed in their field while accruing the necessary tools needed to excel with the utmost in accessibility and achievability, i.e., access, cost, and program length. Whether it’s a Doctor of Intercultural Studies (DIS) degree from The Missional College, a Doctor of Missional Practice (DMP) from the School of Missional Practice, the Doctor of Community Ministry (DCM) from our School of Community Ministry, the Doctor of Communication (DCOM) from the School of Creative Expression, the Doctor of Ecological Mission (DEM) or Doctor of Global Health (DGH) from the School of Ecological Mission, or the Doctor of Theology (ThD) from our School of Theological Studies life-long learners are finding advanced education is critical to their effectiveness as leaders. They will be immersed in contemporary research that is applied, practical, or project-oriented and is focused on the application of knowledge to their profession.
The professional doctorate at Missional University prepares professional practitioners of exceptional ability and promise to serve as leaders in specialized degree areas in study around the globe. It emphasizes attainment of expertise in the degree area, quality research, the development of critical experiential learning and application skills in the student’s field. Through a high degree of originality, independence, analytical research, judgment, and skill in applying findings, the program provides instruction in principles of research and practical application to the field of discipline.