Eight Great Reasons to Join Missional University as a Student
We know there are many choices today for a 100% online degree program. So, why Missional University you may ask? We believe the extreme differences in a missional education compared to other Christian higher education options is worth your consideration. And we believe that when you truly understand the difference you too will be convinced that a Missional online degree prepares you to serve in the mission of God in ways that are unparalleled.
There are many reasons why you should study at Missional University. But we have gathered a short list of major benefits you will receive by studying online at the Academic Center of our eCampus. Let us walk through 8 major reasons you should consider.
1. Missional University Empowers You to Join the Mission of God
All Christians have been designed by God to participate in the mission of God in their neighborhoods, communities and around the world. Missional University provides a process to help students to identify the mission of God around them and their role in it and to become equipped to serve in that mission.
2. Missional University Collaborates with a Global Network of Faith-based Organizations to Give You a World-Class Education
Together with our worldwide connections in 43+ countries, our schools and faculties have a network of Christian faith-based organizations that inform the development of our curriculum and the design of our experiential learning courses so students receive a truly integrated, missional education.
3. 95%+ of Faculty have Terminal Degrees in the Areas in Which They Teach
More than 95% of our faculty have a terminal degree (usually a doctorate) in the areas in which they teach. When recruiting faculty, we look for academic practitioners who have both academic degrees in their areas of specialties and also practical experience. Most Christian universities offer a "generalist" curriculum - we do not. Our highly specialized curriculum requires a highly trained and experienced faculty.
4. Faculty Have Experience Teaching in Top-Notch Universities Worldwide
Many of our faculty have previously taught as some of the world's leading universities and seminaries - both Christian and private or public.
Christian Universities & Seminaries
Asbury Theological Seminary (US), Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary (PH), Azua Pacific University (US), Bakke Graduate University (US), Baylor University (US), Belhaven University (US), Bethel University - Minnesota (US), Bethel University - Tennessee (US), Bethany University (US), Bible College of Malaysia (ID), Biblical Seminary (US), Bicol School of Theology (PH), Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary (CA), Calvin College (US), Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary (CM), Church of God Theological Seminary (PY), Claremont School of Theology (US), Columbia International University (US), Criswell College (US), Dallas Baptist University (US), Daystar University (US), Denver Seminary (US), Eastern College (AU), Eastern Theological College (IN), ECWA Theological Seminary (NG), Emmanuel Bible College (CA), Evangel University (US), Evangelical Theological Seminary (EG), Evangelical University (PY), Friends University (US), Forman Christian College (PK), Fuller Seminary (US), Gateway Seminary (US), Graduate Theological Union (US), Grand Canyon University (US), Heritage Bible College (CA), Houston Baptist University (US), Immanuel Theological Seminary (IN), Indiana Wesleyan University (US), Indonesian Baptist Theological Seminary (ID), International College of Bible and Missions (ZA), Jakarta Baptist Theological Seminary (ID), Jarvis Christian College (US), Johnson University (US), Kawartha Lakes Bible College (CA), King's College (US), King's College London (UK), Lancaster Bible College / Capital Seminary (US), Lee University (US), LeTourneau University (US), Liberty University (US), Lubbock Christian University (US), Luther W. New, Jr. Theological College (IN), McMaster Divinity College (CA), Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary (MY), Malaysia Evangelical College (MY), Medan Theological Seminary (ID), Mid America Baptist Theological Seminary (US), Mid-America Christian University (US), Mission India Bible Institute Seminary (IN), Multnomah University (US), Myanmar Evangelical Graduate Seminary (MM), Nazarene Bible College (US), Nazarene Theological College (AU), Nazarene Theological Seminary (US), New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (US), North Portland Bible College (US), Northeastern Baptist College (US), Nyack College (US), Ohio Christian University (US), Philippine Nazarene Bible College (PH), Prairie College & Graduate School (CA), Redeemer University College (CA), Regent University (US), San Francisco Theological Seminary (US), St. Mark's Anglican Theological College (TZ), Satyaniketan Theological College (IN), Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Indonesia (ID), Seminario Teológico Bautista (CL), South African Theological Seminary (ZA), Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (US), Southeastern University (US), Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (US), Southern Nazarene University (US), Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (US), Talbot School of Theology (US), Taylor College and Seminary (CA), Uganda Christian University (UG), Union Theological Seminary (US), University of Divinity (AU), Vanguard College (CA), Visayan Nazarene Bible College (PH), Warner Pacific University (US), Wesley Biblical Seminary (US), Wesley College (US), Western Seminary (US), West African Theological Seminary (NG), Western Theological Seminary-California (US), William Jessup University (US),
Public & Private Colleges & Universities
Addis Ababa University (ET), Africa International University (KE), Ahlia University (BH), American Military University (US), American Public University (US), Argosy University (US), Art Institute of Atlanta (US), Ashford University (US), Avila University (US), Barbados College (BB), Beijing Institute of Technology (CN), Brooklyn College (US), Brown Mackie College (US), Campbell University (US), Cleveland State University (US), College of Science Technology and Applied Arts of Trinidad & Tobago (TT), Colorado Technical College (US), Columbia College of Hollywood (US), Columbia University (US), Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center / US Army (US), Denison University (US), Devry University (US), Dowling College (US), East Carolina University (US), Emporia University (US), Everest University Online (US), Florida International University (US), Florida Technical College (US), Fortis Insititute (US), Georgia State University (US), Hawassa University (ET), Indian River State College (US), Joint Forces Staff College (US), Humboldt University (DE), Husson University (US), Kaplan University (US), Keiser University (US), Life University (US), Kent State University (US), Khon Kaen University (TH), Macquarie University (AU), Marylhurst College (US), Miami-Dade College (US), Middlebury College (US), Middlesex Community College (US), Monash University (AU), Montclair State University (US), Nasarawa State University (NG), New Mexico State University (US), Northeastern University - Boston (US), Nova Southeaster University (US), Ohio University (US), Ohio State University (U"S), Ottawa University (US), Queen's University (CA), Palm Beach State College (US), Penn State College of Medicine (US), Portland State University, Queens College (US), Payap University (TH), Pratt Institute (US), Quinnipicac University (US), Rasmussen College (US), Robert Welch University (US), St. John's University (US), St Mary's College, University of St. Andrews (UK), St. Monica University (CM), Sailsbury University (US), Savannah College of Art & Design (US), South Univeristy (US), Southern New Hampshire University (US), State University of New York at Cortland (US), Stellenbosch University (ZA), Texas Tech University (US), Thomas Jefferson University (US), Touglaloo College (US), Trent University (CA), University Institute (IN), University of Akron (US), University of Cape Coast (GH), University of Chicago (US), University of Florida (US), University of Ghana (GH), University of Houston (US), University of Ibadan (NG), University of Kashmir (IN), University of Massachusetts (US), University of Memphis (US), University of Namibia (NA), University of Nebraska-Lincoln (US), University of Newcastle (AU), University of New England (US), University of New South Wales (AU), University of Oxford (UK), University of Ontario (CA), University of Phoenix (US), University of Stellenbosch (ZA), University of Techology (JM), University of Texas Arlington (US), University of Texas Medical Branch (US), University of Western Cape (ZA), Valencia College (US), Victoria University of Wellington (NZ), Washingon State University (US), Webster University (US), West Virginia University (US), Wilfrid Laurier University (CA), Wolaita Soddo Agricultural Technical and Vocational Training College (ET)
5. Missional Competencies Equip You to Serve in Professional Roles
Every course and program develop competencies based on six core values: Biblically-based, Missionally-driven, Contextually-informed, Interculturally-focused, Practically-minded and Experientially-transformed. Additional program-specific competencies round out a set of competencies that students gain so they can become professionals in their area of expertise as they serve in the mission of God in the world.
6. Opportunities for Research, Portfolios, and Projects
Every program has a set of required and optional extended experiential learning courses. There are many hands-on opportunities for research, portfolio and project development working with Christian faith-based organizations worldwide.
7. Vibrant Online Student Life
Student life is a place to pursue your passions and interests. We provide online opportunities for students to develop student organizations and networks to make friends and connections across the globe.
8. Great Internships Give Your Future a Boost
Every bachelor and master degree program has a required internship that provides opportunities for students to enhance their conceptual knowledge into field experiences. Many of these internships may lead to an actual career after graduation.